Spectroscopic study of Co-bearing spinel from Luc Yen (Vietnam)
Spectroscopic study of Co-bearing spinel from Luc Yen (Vietnam). Published in 2015 Swiss Geoscience Meeting Proceedings, 130. Author(s): C. Hanser
Spinel (Chinese)
Spinel (Chinese) in Jewellery Information 2011 Author(s) :M.S. Krzemnicki
Spinel: a gemstone on the rise (2010)
Talk given by Dr. Michael Krzemnicki in Hong Kong in 2010 about spinel, a gemstone increasingly in vogue. History, sources, origin determations, synthetics and treatments.
Eine Reise zu den Spinellen Tansanias
Eine Reise zu den Spinellen Tansanias. Gold’Or (2010) Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Voyage au pays des spinelles
Voyage au pays des spinelles. Gold’Or (2010) Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Spinel: bold, beautiful and affordable
Spinel: bold, beautiful and affordable. Jewellery News Asia (2010) Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Visit to Tanzanian spinel and corundum deposits (2010)
Presentation at Swiss Gemmological Society about trip to spinel and corundum deposits in Tanzania in October 2009 by Dr. Walter Balmer and Dr. Michael Krzemnicki
Vermehrt wieder flussmittelsynthetische Spinelle im Handel
Vermehrt wieder flussmittelsynthetische Spinelle im Handel. Published in GoldOr, 2009. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Flux-grown synthetic red spinels on the market again
Flux-grown synthetic red spinels on the market again. Trade alert published in 2008. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Oriented inclusions in spinel from Madagascar
Oriented inclusions in spinel from Madagascar. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2000. Author(s): K. Schmetzer, E. Guebelin, H.-J. Bernhardt, L. Kiefert