Neutron Radiography and Tomography: A New Approach to Visualize the Internal Structures of Pearls
Neutron Radiography and Tomography: A New Approach to Visualize the Internal Structures of Pearls. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2018, 36(1), 56-63.
Simultaneous X-ray Radiography, Phase-Contrast and Darkfield Imaging to Separate Natural from Cultured Pearls
Simultaneous X-ray Radiography, Phase-Contrast and Darkfield Imaging to Separate Natural from Cultured Pearls. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2017, 35, 7, 628–638. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki, C. Hanser, V. Revol
Gemmological investigations on pearls and emeralds using neutron imaging
Gemmological investigations on pearls and emeralds using neutron imaging. Published in Physics Procedia, 2017, 88, 134-139 Link to article Author(s): D. Mannes, C. Hanser, M.S. Krzemnicki, R.P. Harti, I. Jerjen, E. Lehmann
Characterization of pearls by X-ray phase contrast imaging with a grating interferometer
Characterization of pearls by X-ray phase contrast imaging with a grating interferometer. Published in Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 6, 1–7. Link to article Author(s): V. Revol, C. Hanser, M.S. Krzemnicki
Spectroscopic study of Co-bearing spinel from Luc Yen (Vietnam)
Spectroscopic study of Co-bearing spinel from Luc Yen (Vietnam). Published in 2015 Swiss Geoscience Meeting Proceedings, 130. Author(s): C. Hanser
X-ray Phase Contrast and X-ray Scattering Images of Pearls
X-ray Phase Contrast and X-ray Scattering Images of Pearls. Published in IGC 34 Lithuania Abstract Proceedings, 117-120. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki, V. Revol, C. Hanser, L.E. Cartier, H.A. Haenni