Gemmological Characterisation of Emeralds from Musakashi, Zambia, and Implications for Their Geographic Origin Determination
Gemmological Characterisation of Emeralds from Musakashi, Zambia, and Implications for Their Geographic Origin Determination. Journal of Gemmology, 2024, 39, 4, 338-350.
Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Ruby and Pink Sapphire and Potential Detection Methods in Gem Labs
Keywords: Ruby, Pink sapphire, Gamma irradiation, UV-VIS, Raman, R-Line
Further Characterisation of Native Copper Inclusions in Cu-Bearing Tourmaline
Further Characterisation of Native Copper Inclusions in Cu-Bearing Tourmaline. The Journal of Gemmology, 38(5), 427-429.
Paraiba or Not? Cu-bearing Tourmaline with a Distinct Fe Concentration
Paraiba or Not? Cu-bearing Tourmaline with a Distinct Fe Concentration. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2022, 38 (1), 20-22.
Zircon inclusions in unheated pink sapphires from Ilakaka, Madagascar: A Raman spectroscopic study
Zircon inclusions in unheated pink sapphires from Ilakaka, Madagascar: A Raman spectroscopic study. Published in IGC 2021 Online Proceedings, 21-23.
Cu-containing Thin Sheet Inclusion in Cu-bearing Tourmaline from Brazil
Cu-containing Thin Sheet Inclusion in Cu-bearing Tourmaline from Brazil. IGC 2021 Proceedings, 45-46.
Preliminary study of defocused PL measurements of diamonds
A study of nickel-bearing type Ia diamonds. IGC 2023 Proceedings, 37-39.
New emeralds from Musakashi, Zambia, appear on the market
New emeralds from Musakashi, Zambia, appear on the market. The Journal of Gemmology, 37(8), 769-771.
A New Type of Emerald from Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley
A New Type of Emerald from Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2021, 37 (5), 474-495.
Multi-element analysis of minerals using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry and geochemical data visualization using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding: case study on emeralds
Multi-element analysis of minerals using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry and geochemical data visualization using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding: case study on emeralds. Published in Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2021,