Natural and synthetic vanadium-bearing chrysoberyl
Natural and synthetic vanadium-bearing chrysoberyl. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2013, 33, 7–8, 223-238. Author(s): K. Schmetzer, M.S. Krzemnicki, T. Hainschwang, H.-J. Bernhardt
The role of vanadium and titanium in natural and synthetic chrysoberyl and alexandrite – coloration, chatoyancy and asterism
The role of vanadium and titanium in natural and synthetic chrysoberyl and alexandrite – coloration, chatoyancy and asterism. Published in IGC 2013 Vietnam Abstract Proceedings, 84-87. Author(s): K. Schmetzer, M.S. Krzemnicki, T. Hainschwang, H.-J. Bernhardt
Rosa bis rosa-orangefarbene Malaya-Granate aus Bekily, Madagaskar
Rosa bis rosa-orangefarbene Malaya-Granate aus Bekily, Madagaskar. Published in GZ, 2002. Author(s): K. Schmetzer, L. Kiefert, T. Hainschwang, H.-J. Bernhardt