New developments in cultured pearl production: use of organic and baroque shell nuclei
New developments in cultured pearl production: use of organic and baroque shell nuclei. Published in Australian Gemmologist, 2013, 25, 1, 6-13. Author(s): L.E. Cartier, M.S. Krzemnicki
China’s pearl industry: An indicator of ecological stress
China’s pearl industry: An indicator of ecological stress. Published in the Journal of the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong GAHK, 2013. Author(s): L.E. Cartier, S.H. Ali
Cultured pearl farming and the production in the Federal States of Micronesia
Cultured pearl farming and the production in the Federal States of Micronesia. Published in Gems & Gemology, 2012. Author(s): L.E. Cartier, M.S. Krzemnicki, M. Ito
Appearance of new bead material in cultured pearls
Abstract: A range of different materials has already been used as cores in beaded cultured pearls, and now two new alternative options, baroque shaped shell beads and Chinese freshwater cultured pearls, are being used. Experiments with beads of the latter, approximately 6.5 mm across, have been carried out with