Gemmological Characterisation of Emeralds from Musakashi, Zambia, and Implications for Their Geographic Origin Determination
Gemmological Characterisation of Emeralds from Musakash […]
Afghanite of Exceptional Size and Quality from Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Afghanite of Exceptional Size and Quality from Badakhsh […]
Dehydration of Diaspore and Goethite during Low-Temperature Heating as Criterion to Separate Unheated from Heated Rubies and Sapphires
Dehydration of Diaspore and Goethite during Low-Tempera […]
A study of nickel-bearing type Ia diamonds
A study of nickel-bearing type Ia diamonds. IGC 2023 Pr […]
Phase transformations as important markers for heat treatment detection in corundum and other gemstones
Phase transformations as important markers for heat treatment detection in corundum and other gemstones. IGC 2023 Proceedings, 111-113.
Purple to bluish grey chalcedony from Ethiopia
In the past 15 years, Ethiopia has repeatedly gained attention for a variety of new gem finds. In 2008, a large deposit of white play-of-colour opal was found (Rondeau et al., 2010), followed by black opal with play-of-colour in 2013 (Kiefert et al., 2014).
DNA Fingerprinting and age dating of historic natural pearls: a combined approach
DNA Fingerprinting and age dating of historic natural pearls: a combined approach. IGC 2023 Proceedings, 157-158.
Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Ruby and Pink Sapphire and Potential Detection Methods in Gem Labs
Keywords: Ruby, Pink sapphire, Gamma irradiation, UV-VIS, Raman, R-Line
Further Characterisation of Native Copper Inclusions in Cu-Bearing Tourmaline
Further Characterisation of Native Copper Inclusions in […]
Petrology, geothermobarometry and geochemistry of granulite facies wall rocks and hosting gneiss of gemstone deposits from the Mogok area (Myanmar)
Petrology, geothermobarometry and geochemistry of granu […]