Analysis of rubies with corroded surfaces
Analysis of rubies with corroded surfaces. Journal of Gemmological Association of Hong Kong (2011) Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Heating and diffusion processes on rubies: characteristics, detection and declaration (2010)
Talk on ruby treatments and terminology during CIBJO Ruby Day in Munich in February 2010.
Visit to Tanzanian spinel and corundum deposits (2010)
Presentation at Swiss Gemmological Society about trip to spinel and corundum deposits in Tanzania in October 2009 by Dr. Walter Balmer and Dr. Michael Krzemnicki
Nouveautés sur le marché: rubis de Montepuez, Mozambique
Nouveautés sur le marché: rubis de Montepuez, Mozambique. Published in GoldOr, 2009. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
Neu im Handel: Rubine aus Montepuez, Mosambik
Neu im Handel: Rubine aus Montepuez, Mosambik. Published in GoldOr, 2009. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
New rubies from Montepuez, Mozambique
New rubies from Montepuez, Mozambique. Published in Jewellery News Asia, 2009. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki
New Tanzania mine uncovers source of exceptional rubies
New Tanzania mine uncovers source of exceptional rubies. Published in InColor, 2008. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki, H.A. Haenni
New rubies from central Tanzania
New rubies from central Tanzania. Published in Gems & Gemology, 2008. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
Observations on treated ruby and sapphire
Observations on treated ruby and sapphire. Published in Taiwan Jewellery World Magazine, 2006. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
Rubine aus neuen Vorkommen in Madagaskar
Rubine aus neuen Vorkommen in Madagaskar. Published in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, 2001. Author(s): H.A. Haenni, C.C. Milisenda, U. Henn