A Preliminary SIMS Study Using Carbon Isotopes to Separate Natural from Synthetic Diamonds
A Preliminary SIMS Study Using Carbon Isotopes to Separate Natural from Synthetic Diamonds. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2018, 36, 1, 38-43. Author(s) : H.A.O. Wang, L.E. Cartier, L.P. Baumgartner, A.-S. Bouvier, F. Begué, J.-P. Chalain, M.S. Krzemnicki
Diamond testers with a limited performance
Diamond testers with a limited performance. Published in Journal of Gemmological Association of Hong Kong GAHK, 2017, 38, 37-39. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
L’identification du traitement HPHT au SSEF (2015)
Presentation by Jean-Pierre Chalain at 2015 Swiss Gemmological Society conference on HPHT treatment detection at SSEF
Contributions de la gemmologie de laboratoire à l’identification du traitement HPHT du diamant
Contributions de la gemmologie de laboratoire à l’identification du traitement HPHT du diamant. Video presentation by Jean-Pierre Chalain in 2014 at the University of Nantes.
ASDI: Automated Spectral Diamond Inspection (2014)
Talk by Jean-Pierre Chalain at 2014 Swiss Gemmological Society conference on the ASDI instrument developed by SSEF to detect colourless synthetic diamonds in melee batches.
Diamant-Typen: Identifikation und Bestimmung von Behandlungen
Diamant-Typen: Identifikation und Bestimmung von Behandlungen. Gold’Or (2011) Author(s): J.-P. Chalain
Diamond Testing at SSEF (2010)
2010 Swiss Gemmological Conference presentation by Jean-Pierre Chalain on diamond grading and testing practices at the Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF).
CVD-synthetische Diamanten: Nomenklatur im Schmuckhandel, Herstellung und Verwendung
CVD-synthetische Diamanten: Nomenklatur im Schmuckhandel, Herstellung und Verwendung Author(s): J.-P. Chalain
Diamant synthétique CVD: nomenclature en bijouterie, fabrication et applications
Diamant synthétique CVD: nomenclature en bijouterie, fabrication et applications Author(s): J.-P. Chalain
About the platelet peak of HPHT-treated diamonds of type 1a (2009)
Presentation at 2009 European Gemmological Symposium (Bern, Switzerland) by Jean-Pierre Chalain on the platelet peak of HPHT-treated diamonds of type Ia.