How to identify Douros synthetic rubies
How to identify Douros synthetic rubies. Published in Jewellery News Asia, 1994. Author(s): H.A. Haenni, K. Schmetzer
La synthèse hydrothermale en Australie: émeraude et béryl rose
La synthése hydrothermale en Australie: émeraude et béryl rose. Published in Journal Suisse d’Horlogerie et de Bijouterie, 1993. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
Hydrothermal synthetic emeralds from Australia: emeralds and pink beryls
Hydrothermal synthetic emeralds from Australia: emeralds and pink beryls. Published in 1993. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
A new synthetic ruby from Greece poses challenges for gemmologists
A new synthetic ruby from Greece poses challenges for gemmologists. Published in Rapaport Diamond Magazine, 1993. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
What to look for in Vasar synthetic emerald
What to look for in Vasar synthetic emerald. Published in Jewellery News Asia, 1989. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
Ramaura – une nouvelle synthèse de rubis
Ramaura – une nouvelle synthèse de rubis. Published in Journal Suisse des horlogers et des bijoutiers-orfèvres, 1985. Author(s): G. Bosshart
A contribution to the separability of natural and synthetic emeralds
A contribution to the separability of natural and synthetic emeralds. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 1982. Author(s): H.A. Haenni