Contributions de la gemmologie de laboratoire à l’identification du traitement HPHT du diamant
Contributions de la gemmologie de laboratoire à l’identification du traitement HPHT du diamant. Video presentation by Jean-Pierre Chalain in 2014 at the University of Nantes.
Outlook on pearl treatments and testing (2014)
Inhorgenta Pearl Forum talk by Dr. Michael S. Krzemnicki in February 2014.
Corundum Treatment (2013)
Presentation on developments in treatments of ruby, sapphire and corundum. Focus on characteristics, detection and declaration. Talk given at 2013 Swiss Gemmological Society conference by Dr. Michael Krzemnicki.
Treated ruby
Treated ruby. Published in Gems& Jewellery, 2012, 3, 14-17. Author(s): K. Schmetzer, M.S. Krzemnicki, A. Hodgkinson
A historic turquoise jewelry set containing fossilized dentine (odontolite) and glass
A historic turquoise jewelry set containing fossilized dentine (odontolite) and glass. Published in Gems & Gemology, 2011. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki, F. Herzog, W. Zhou
How to get the blues out of the pink- detection of low temperature treatment of pink sapphires (2010)
Presentation at Swiss Gemmological Society about trip to spinel and corundum deposits in Tanzania in October 2009 by Dr. Walter Balmer and Dr. Michael Krzemnicki
About the platelet peak of HPHT-treated diamonds of type 1a (2009)
Presentation at 2009 European Gemmological Symposium (Bern, Switzerland) by Jean-Pierre Chalain on the platelet peak of HPHT-treated diamonds of type Ia.
Update on “chocolate” Tahitian cultured pearls
Update on “chocolate” Tahitian cultured pearls. Published in Gems & Gemology, 2006. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
Observations on treated ruby and sapphire
Observations on treated ruby and sapphire. Published in Taiwan Jewellery World Magazine, 2006. Author(s): H.A. Haenni
News about treated brown cultured pearls
News about treated brown cultured pearls. Published in GAHK Journal, 2006. Author(s): H.A. Haenni