SSEF at GemGenève (10-13 May, Booth B7-1)
SSEF is honoured to take part in the upcoming first edition of the GemGenève show at Palexpo in Geneva. We will be offering coloured gemstone express testing services at our booth B7-1. Further, Dr. Michael S. Krzemnicki will be giving a talk during GemGenève, details of which can be found further below.
GemGeneve Booth B7-1
10-13 May 2018
Tel: +41 79 219 72 38 (only during GemGenève)
We look forward to welcoming you at our booth and to our public lecture.
On the Trail of New Gem Deposits: Exciting for the Trade but Challenging for Gem Labs
Lecture by Dr. Michael S. Krzemnicki on Friday May 11th at 3pm at GemGenève (in the Mezzanine on the left past security control). Please sign up by sending an email to events@gemgeneve.com
In recent years, a number of exceptional gem deposits have been discovered, mainly in East Africa and Madagascar. After the Ethiopian opal-rush about a decade ago, this East African country has lately come even more into the spotlight of the gem trade with the discovery of new and vast deposits of sapphires and emeralds. At the same time, Madagascar recently produced an outstanding range of rubies, sapphires, and fancy sapphires from new deposits in the eastern part of this beautiful island close to the East African coast. All these new gem deposits were welcomed by the trade with great enthusiasm and excitement, as they provide a substantial supply of new gemstones, often of high quality at an attractive price.
For the SSEF and other gemmological laboratories that offer origin determination as a service to the trade, such new finding are not just exciting, but also quite challenging. Only careful microscopic study of the new material and understanding of the geological setting of these new deposits – in combination with highly advanced analytical technology – allows for reliable origin determination as a service to the trade and consumers now and in future.
This presentation will highlight some of the most beautiful and exceptional newly discovered gems, and reveal their characteristic microscopic features and analysed properties, which are part of their beauty but also allow gem labs to determine their origin.