SSEF validates the ASDI-500 device and provides unique worldwide service for melee diamonds down to 0.5mm
ASDI-500, is the world’s first automatic device to verify the nature of diamonds – natural diamonds VS laboratory-grown diamonds VS diamond simulants – down to the tiny size of half a millimeter (0.5mm or 500 micrometers, hence its name ASDI 500).
50 years of SSEF: special symposium & gathering of key industry leaders in Basel
For 50 years, the Swiss Gemmological Institute SSEF has been the forefront of scientific gemmological research and testing to support a thriving gemstone and jewellery trade. In tribute of both its mission and accomplishments, some 150 industry leaders and opinion-makers from around the world gathered in Basel
SSEF conducts analysis of cobalt-blue spinel from a newly reported source in Tanzania
For several months already a supply of blue cobalt-bearing spinel has been appearing in the gem trade, including some stones of remarkable size -up to 40 carats- and quality. According to information from reliable sources, the source of the new find is a deposit located about 20 kilometres south-east of Mahenge
Scientists report breakthrough in precious coral traceability using novel genetic-testing method on samples seized by customs
BASEL, SWITZERLAND: FEBRUARY 14, 2022 – An internationa […]
New emeralds from Musakashi in Zambia appear in the market
Advanced testing using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupl […]
來自SSEF瑞士珠寶研究院的科學家團隊首次發表了關於新近在寶石市場中出現的較之以往頗為不同的產自阿富汗的新型祖母綠類型的詳細研究內容及鑑定要點,並刊發於最新一期的《寶石學雜誌》(Journal of Gemmology)上。
SSEF針對首飾用珊瑚的科學研究取得突破性進展,正式推出珊瑚DNA 種屬(指紋識別)鑑定服務
瑞士珠寶研究院SSEF及蘇黎世大學法醫學院(IRM)的研究人員共同發表了題為《DNA指紋鑑定:一種針對首飾用珊瑚的種屬鑑別技術》的論文。這篇突破性的科研文章發表於Nature Group旗下的高影響力學術期刊Scientific Reports。
2020年2月24日至4月30日 SSEF提供由香港和曼谷往返巴塞爾的Ferrari法拉利特別收送件服務
鑑於中國內地和香港特區目前的疫情,加之香港三月珠寶首飾展覽會的延期,SSEF決定自即日起至四月下旬對特定往返S […]